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Selectmen Minutes 01/19/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Members Present: D. Michael Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Chief Clarke, Tom Houle, Ed Millette, Alan Mayville, John Martell, Kris Cole, Doug Hall and others members of public.

Call to Order:  Mr. Paveglio called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads

Chief Quimby stated that the grant applications had been submitted.  He also wanted to thank Mrs. Pinard for putting the truck into the paper for bid.  The Fire Department has been very busy.  They have had 29 calls in 19 days including motor vehicle accidents and fires.  

Mr. Paveglio stated that Warden Stock was reappointed as Forest Fire Warden.

Emergency Management-
Mr. Martell had nothing to report.

Police Department-   
Chief Clarke stated that grant for the DUI patrol had been approved.   He is still currently waiting for safety patrol reports.  He reached out to Irwin to get rough estimates for the Inceptor.  They provided a rough quote of $4,500.00 for trade in value ofthe Interceptor.  That would be the cost if it was turned over to the Fire Department.  It would be a great opportunity for the Fire Department to get a new vehicle for $4,500.00 with 92-99k miles on it.  

Chief Quimby stated that they would outfit the vehicle themselves and it could last them 4-5 years.  

Mr. Paveglio makes a motion in lieu of trading in the Interceptor we transfer it to the Fire Department.  Mr DeBold seconds the motion. All in favor Aye. Aye, Aye, Aye.  Motion Passes.

Chief Clarke stated his concerns about wiping out the fund.  He anticipates having to replace some hand radios in the near future and wants to be able to cover those.  Mr. DeBold suggested taking $20,000.00 from the Special Detail Revenue Fund and leaving the rest for future expenses.  Line 4210-89 was changed to $12,500.00.

Mr. Paveglio asked what it costs for a Police officer new hire.  Mrs. Pinard will have numbers ready for that next meeting.  

Lucille Noel was out sick but asked Mrs. Pinard to give her update.  Mrs. Pinard stated that she had received a report that there will be a old fashioned New England Dance this Saturday 1/23/16 at 7pm at the Grange Hall.  Also that Chichester and Epsom were partnering to have a Alzheimer’s café located in Epsom on 1/29/16 for people living with the disease and their caregivers.

Mr. Paveglio spoke for Mr. Plunkett who could not attend the meeting. Mr. Paveglio stated that Mr. Plunkett wanted to remind everyone that there is no parking allowed on the street during winter storms.  The plow recently had to be rewired and he is currently aware of some ice buildups on the roads and is working to fix them this week.

Proposed Police Department hiring incentive plan-
Chief Clarke wanted to speak about a new incentive plan that he felt would benefit the town if implemented.  He had spoken to other departments in the North Country that had just began to utilize this and received the numbers that they are using.  If put in place, he would like to put this in a new hire ad.  Chief Clarke would like to change wording in the fund so that he could use it for incentive plan.  The Select Board were all in agreeance that they would like to support this incentive plan.  The plan would give a new certified police officer up to a $10,000.00 bonus for fulfilling a 2 year time period.  A 2 year contract for a uncertified police officer will also be implemented.

Mr. Paveglio makes a motion to support proposed Police Department hiring incentive plan.  Mr. DeBold seconds. All in favor.  Motion Passes.

Mrs. Pinard stated that the bid process closed on Jan 4th but was reopened for a few additional weeks.  Primex is the only one who bid for property and liability insurance.  She is seeking approval for Primex.  The Board asked Mrs. Pinard to call and get clarification on discounts.  

Mr. Paveglio stated that he was not in support of a warrant article to update the Master Plan and Mr. Jordan agreed.   Mr. Paveglio stated that the Planning Board needed to give it an honest try on their own for a year first before seeking help.

Citizens petition for Hutchinson Rd.-
A citizen’s petition has been brought forth for a warrant article on Hutchinson Rd.  They still need to get their 25 signatures in to be verified. This would cause a .62 tax increase. The current budget does not reflect Hutchinson Rd.  The Road Agent is going to get a estimate of the project.  Allen Mayville does not feel the number is realistic.

Line 4312-44 was changed from $120,000.00 to $90,000.00.   The Board would like Mr. Plunket to come prepared to the Town public hearing with the streets and values attached.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he wants to make sure Mr. Plunket has a usable amount of money so he is be able to finish a project.

With the end of budget discussion the budget was left at a $31,734.00 overage and approximately 1.5 % over from last year.

Mr Mayville asked if Busby had been notified if they were the lowest bidder for the roads.  Mrs. Pinard stated that she had been in contact with them.  Mrs. Pinard will draft a contract for Busby and the Board will sign next week.  

Public Hearing will be held next week on January 26th, 2016 at 6PM.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

D. Michael Paveglio                                              Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan